Second Bachelor's Degree

RIC Students at Orientation


Second Bachelor's Degree Admission Process

Admission Details


At the time of application, 学生必须完成学士学位,最低累积平均绩点为2.0 (3.0 for Nursing and 2.7 for Radiologic Technology applicants). 以前的大学课程必须与esball官方网目前教授的课程相当.

第二学位的候选人必须在esball官方网成功完成至少30个学分. Some programs, such as elementary education, may include over 90 credit hours, depending upon the student's first undergraduate major.

In those areas where an advanced degree is offered, 根据第二学位课程的规定,入学需要系主任和分院院长的批准. 录取第二学士学位课程并不保证录取那些具有二次录取程序的课程(如.e. education, nursing, social work, medical imaging).

Admission Materials


  1. a completed Common Application and RIC Supplement, and nonrefundable $50 application fee
  2. 所有学院的正式成绩单,显示获得学士学位的日期(RIC毕业生的成绩单将由招生办公室打印)


学习计划必须说明学生需要完成哪些课程才能满足第二学位的要求. 该计划必须包括在esball官方网完成的至少30个学分, at least 15 of which must be taken in the department of the major.

In addition, 作为esball官方网的学位学生,必须完成该计划中包含的至少21个学分. 不能保证录取前在学院修过的课程会被计入学习计划.

Course/credit proficiency, field experience, prior learning credit, transfer credit, 或者第一个学士学位的学分可能不计入要求的30个学时.

直到导师签署学习计划,申请过程才算完成, department chair, 教务长和学生,并由招生办公室审核. An acceptance letter will then be sent to the student. To become enrolled as a degree student, 不可退还的200美元注册押金必须在学生录取通知书中规定的截止日期之前支付.

完成并签署的学习计划必须在7月1日之前返回招生办公室, December 1 for spring. 一学期开始后收到的学习计划将在下一学期开始处理,学生可能需要重新申请.

如果学生在与专业指导老师会面后4周内没有收到录取通知书,则应联系招生办公室确认收到已签署的学习计划. 如果签署的学习计划没有提交给招生办公室,学生有责任跟进他们的学术顾问.


All general education 被录取的第二学位学生可免除大学写作和数学要求. They begin their program with a block of 90 credits:

  • 36 credits applied as general education
  • 54 credits applied as elective

Important Information

  • 学生不能同时攻读第二学士学位和硕士学位.
  • Students may not double major, major and minor, 也不能在第二学位计划上攻读证书课程(健康和体育教育除外).
  • 个人学位课程不是第二学位学生的选择.
  • Students may not change majors on an approved plan. 必须提交新的入学申请,学生必须重新完成整个录取过程. The new Plan of Study must contain a minimum of 30 credits, no more than 9 credits of which may be already completed.
  • All applicants interested in Education, Nursing, Social Work, 和医学影像必须在学院录取和注册之前,该部门的二次申请. For students interested specifically in Nursing, 申请人必须在达到护理学院的要求后才能申请护理专业.  
Rhode Island College entrance

Contact Us

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

If you need information about the application process, scholarships and financial aid, transfer credits, and more, 我们专业的招生顾问团队将在这里指导和支持你从你的第一次校园参观到你的第一天上课.