The Art of Professor Fisher & Daughter Crickett

Crickett smiles and looks up at her father Stephen

对父母来说,在有艺术家陪伴的博物馆里长大是有好处的. You could wind up in one of the best art departments in R.I. looking up at the face of your dad-slash-professor.

19岁的克里克特·费舍尔坐在RIC艺术中心版画工作室的金属凳子上. With jet black curls, V-perfect eyeliner and goth black clothing, she is engrossed in etching a drawing on a plate.

Behind her, busying himself in the studio, is her father, Professor Stephen Fisher, who teaches drawing and printmaking. For the first time, 他们将一起在沃伦的IMAGO画廊展出他们的作品——超过20幅静物画, RI, through April 23.


“静物画,作为一种流派,被很多人认为是相当无聊的. 每个人都看过经典的水果放在碗里,放在桌子上的静物画,它并没有真正激发出强烈的情感. In my still lifes, 我更感兴趣的是把奇怪的东西放在一起,创造一种神秘感.”

以她的作品《esball官方网》(Foxy Girl)为例,这是由一些有着玻璃般的眼睛和破碎的身体的旧玩偶组成的.

Still life of broken dolls
Crickett Fisher, “Foxy Girl,” chalk pastel, 20" x 28", 2021

“人们说我的静物画令人毛骨悚然,我对此没有意见,”她说. “尤其是我的娃娃,给人一种闹鬼或被附身的感觉. 我不想创作万圣节艺术品,但我对令人毛骨悚然的东西感兴趣. I am interested in creating a space that is unreal.” Why? “Because real is boring,” she answers. Crickett certainly is not.

She is as visually creative as she is verbally creative. She describes herself thusly:

“I was born in late May 2003. That makes me a Gemini. If one subscribes to such superstitions, 这可能使我倾向于成为一名艺术家(两面派的骗子,傲慢地尝试着神圣的创造行为)。.

克里克特·费舍尔,“熟悉的面孔,”粉笔粉彩和丙烯酸水粉,21“x 27.5", 2022.

“I grew up in Warren, Rhode Island, 在一个房子大小的Wunderkammer猫(恶作剧的象征)和艺术(过度重视视觉机制的遗传倾向的象征)之间. And I’ve always loved to draw, leading me to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts, with a concentration in printmaking, at Rhode Island College, 我在著名的印刷大师斯蒂芬·费希尔手下学习.” (Otherwise known as her father.)

Stephen Fisher earned his M.F.A. 他在耶鲁大学教授绘画和版画已有30多年的历史. His still lifes, too, transform the mundane into the mysterious, influenced by the moodiness of film noir. 他的静物画中经常出现的标志性物体之一是用光影撕碎物体的百叶窗.

“Light is the magic ingredient,” Stephen says. “我可以将有趣的物体组合起来,创造出一幅静物画, but if I don’t find that special light, I just have a nice collection of stuff. When I set up a still life, 我会在一天中的不同时间去看它,不断调整百叶窗, waiting for something magical to happen.”

斯蒂芬·费雪,“菩萨”,木炭,棱镜色,石墨和洗涤,21“x 26”,2008
斯蒂芬·费舍尔,“监禁”,木炭,石墨,棱镜色和洗涤,21“x 22”,2010

斯蒂芬也是一位细节大师,他在每一平方英寸的绘画上都花费了无数个小时. “My motto is look harder, see more,” he says. His work has been exhibited in a variety of national and international venues; is found in numerous public, corporate and private collections; and has earned many awards.

如果你问克里克特她最欣赏她的艺术家/父亲的什么, 你会发现,对她来说,做独一无二的自己比模仿父亲有趣得多.

“显然,他的技术非常非常先进,”她说. “我非常尊重那些精益求精的人. 他对细节的关注和专注程度是我所向往的, as well as the way he makes decisions about compositions. 我可能正在创作一件作品,然后把它拿给他看,然后说,‘我为什么不喜欢这个? What do I do?’ and he’s got answers.”

Stephen is equally admired by other RIC art students, many of whom have graduated and become his extended family. Perhaps it’s that hip 60s quality he has about him. After all, he named his daughter Crickett, and his wife, Katherine Reaves, is one of his former students who earned her B.A. in painting in ’94. 他们一起在一个充满艺术品的家庭/博物馆里抚养克里克特.


“It’s funny. This is a kid who wouldn’t ride a bike, 不会游泳,因为旋转木马跑得太快而哭, 但你给她介绍一种新的媒介或一个新的想法,她就会全身心地投入其中,弄清楚它. There’s no fear,” he says.

当被问及他是否担心克里克特以艺术家的身份谋生时, Stephen replies, “All parents worry about that. 我告诉克里克特我告诉我所有的艺术学生——“工作室艺术学位不是一个职业学位。. This is something you do because you have a passion for it.’”

One of his students now works for Pokemon International as a designer; others are educators, exhibiting artists and gallery directors. In fact, the IMAGO Gallery, where Stephen and Crickett are holding their exhibit, was co-founded by Eileen Siobhan Collins, a former student of Stephen’s. Recently, he became a member artist of the gallery.

与此同时,克里克特将于5月在普罗维登斯艺术俱乐部举办她的首次个展. She won first place in their 2022 competition.

“在IMAGO的艺术开幕式上,我很喜欢听到人们对我的作品的解读和意见,” she says. “这就像是,‘哦,这挺酷的,我的想法真的被接受了.’ It was great.”


IMAGO Gallery is located at 36 Market Street, Warren, RI. Gallery Hours are: Thursday 12-3 p.m., Friday and Saturday Noon-6 p.m. and Sunday Noon-4 p.m.

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