




New models of course delivery are taking root in the college’s School of Social Work 和 Zvart Onanian School of Nursing.

以临床培训为重点的研究生社会工作课程现在在周末举行. 的课程, 该项目于2022年秋季开始,最初有29名参与者, are designed to help students learn clinical treatment modalities 和 evaluate whether their practice work is efficient.

在宣讲会期间, 我们听到学生们想要更大的灵活性, 所以我们决定开始周末课程,詹妮弗·米德说, 社会工作硕士项目主席, who created the weekend program in collaboration with former School of Social Work Interim Dean Jayashree Nimmagadda. “We will continue with more classes, 和 I have a feeling they’re going to be pretty packed.”

周末课程很灵活, 可管理的, create a sense of community 和 recognize that people have busy lives 和 other responsibilities.

华纳表示,他正在推动这类课程在RIC变得更加相关. Deborah Bergner, a student in one of the courses, says the weekend program is a winning concept.

“这是灵活的, 可管理的, creates a sense of community 和 recognizes that people have busy lives 和 other responsibilities,她说。. Bergner works as a residential life 和 housing coordinator at the University of Rhode Isl和 (URI) doing field work in URI’s Counseling Center 和 she serves on the town council in South Kingstown.

“课堂上有各种各样的人, 从刚毕业的学士到像我这样的老年人,她说。. “我对社会工作学院的管理人员试行这个项目表示赞赏. 他们希望它起作用,我们(学生)也希望它起作用.”

Meade says the program was curated to include contributions from both tenured 和 adjunct faculty.

“要想成功, 我们希望这个项目能反映出我们在日常的社会工作课程中所做的事情,她说。. “I believe this first group has had a good experience 和 we’re hearing from prospective applicants who’ve learned about it word-of-mouth.”


与此同时, graduate 和 doctoral programs in RIC’s Zvart Onanian School of Nursing are becoming more accessible through new HyFlex courses. HyFlex课程允许有日程安排挑战的学生亲自上课, virtually through video conferencing or asynchronously through Blackboard recorded sessions. Students may choose the mode that works best for them from course to course or session to session.

The move to HyFlex aligns with national trends toward increasing online 和 distance learning in graduate nursing education, 根据美国护理学院协会2021年的一份报告.

艾米黑暗, 53, says HyFlex enabled her to complete her Master of Science in nursing degree 和 graduate in May 2023.

“我住在罗德岛的时候就开始了我的学习计划, 这使得校园很容易进入,达克说。, 学校护士. “2022年7月,我和丈夫搬到了缅因州南部, 和, 因为Hyflex, 我已经能够完成同样水平的质量教育.”


“通过放大, HyFlex is fully integrated 和 makes you feel like you’re there in the classroom with everyone,她说。. “教师们的反应也非常积极,平易近人. 如果我给教员发邮件, 他或她会立即做出回应, 和 I feel like I’m getting the same level of support I’d receive if I were there physically. I think the school of nursing values the experience nurses have in their current roles 和 underst和s people who have been out in the workforce 和 returning to secure more education.”

吉姆·康威(Jim Conway)是罗德岛医院(Rhode Isl和 Hospital)的资深神经病学护士. 他正在使用HyFlex获得护理实践博士学位.

“HyFlex让我成为了一个更好的学生,”60岁的康威说. “我可以在工作或在家登录处理事情. 我觉得我现在更好地平衡了工作和生活.”

虽然他最初对Blackboard并不太熟悉, 康威对教师和互联网技术人员的帮助表示感谢.

“The thing about HyFlex is that you have to be dedicated to make sure you don’t get behind,康威说.


在商学院的总部, the Institute for 教育 in Healthcare (IEH) is leading the way as the largest earner of indirect funds on campus, 仅在2022年就产生了700多万美元的拨款. Those funds are being used to customize training programs for hundreds of current 和 future healthcare professionals in Rhode Isl和 和 throughout the region.

创建于2016年, 该研究所改变了该州行为保健的面貌, IEH创始人Marianne Raimondo说.S.W.他现在担任RIC商学院院长.

We’re staying true to our mission: to be the bridge that connects higher education departments on the RIC campus to the community, leading students to career pathways while also informing the transformation of the workforce.

“There are many professionals working at healthcare organizations who never finished their college degree,雷蒙多说. 他说:“我们学院为医院工作人员提供教育机会, 养老院, 家庭护理公司和健康中心获得学位. 最终,这有利于护理的质量. 人们接受了更好的教育,具备了更好的条件来服务他们的病人、居民和客户. 这是医疗保健行业、esball官方网和我们学生的胜利.”

Interim IEH Director Tonya Glantz says that in its seven-year existence IEH has grown tremendously.

“在过去, 我们的工作主要是帮助老年人, 但我们已经扩大到包括社区卫生组织, 行为健康组织和罗德岛教育部,格兰茨说. “然而, we’re staying true to our mission: to be the bridge that connects higher education departments on the RIC campus to the community, leading students to career pathways while also informing the transformation of the workforce.”

在普罗维登斯中心可以找到IEH努力的证据, 一家心理健康诊所,为大约18人提供帮助,000名罗德岛成年人, 受精神疾病影响的青少年和儿童, 情绪问题和上瘾. 在过去, 普罗维登斯中心在留住病例管理人员方面存在问题, 谁是中心行为健康工作的关键部分. 用国家拨款的资金, the Providence Center partnered with IEH in 2018 to create a career ladder apprenticeship that provides specialized training for case managers.

默西·莫拉莱斯13岁(右), 普罗维登斯中心的案件经理, 在保健教育学院完成了学徒培训. 加布里埃尔加尔萨 (left), a program manager, says apprenticeships have reduced staff turnover.

梅西·莫拉莱斯13岁, 他是普罗维登斯中心的个案经理,负责协调40名客户的护理, 说学徒生涯增强了她对工作的信心.

“我在药物管理等方面学到了更多, how to reduce the stressors of my clients 和 what it means to be a leader 和 agent of change,她说。.

加布里埃尔加尔萨, 普罗维登斯中心的项目经理, 说从学徒生涯开始, 她注意到更多像梅西这样的案件经理决定留下来.

“我们的员工流动率较低,我把这归功于学徒制,”加尔扎说. “项目经理觉得我们在投资他们,所以他们想留下来. 我们给他们适当的训练和有成长空间的感觉.”

多年来, IEH has recruited several RIC undergraduate 和 graduate students to work on training delivery 和 data. Glantz says some have gone on to write grants themselves 和 become influential within the ranks of the state’s healthcare administration.

雷蒙多说:“现在人们已经看到了我们的工作,我们是一个值得信赖的研究所。. “例如,我是州长阿尔茨海默氏症委员会的成员. 在最近的一次会议上,人们谈到了痴呆症培训. That led to a follow-up to see what role IEH can play to provide training to community 和 healthcare providers 和 social services agencies across the state.”

These are some of the initiatives in 的地方 at Rhode Isl和 College to support adult education/workforce development. 随着高等教育人口结构的不断发展, RIC will continue to employ innovative strategies to educate 和 serve the needs of all Rhode Isl和ers.